Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mom and Dads Anniversary

I know you have not heard from me very much this month. This month has been dig down deep and get everything done. I have been single focused and accomplishing alot. There are so many things that have happened that I have thought I need to write about that in my blog but my focus has not allowed me the time. So I will try to fill in the blanks as much as possible.

Friday was November 28th and it would have been my parents 44th wedding anniversary. They were a testament to until death do us part. My mom was 15 and my dad 19 when they got married.

There were times that it was hell for them and for us as kids. There were times of pure love. Isn't that real life and real love?

I remember one Christmas, after we had opened all our presents, our parents sent us to bed, my mother had one present that was private for just my dad. My curiosity had my sneaking in and watching them and the gift was a 45 record. When they played it, Your in my Soul was playing by Rod Stewart they danced so close and romantic.

They usually went out for a nice romantic dinner every anniversary but they went to a Mexican resort for their 40th. I had planned on throwing them a huge party for their 50th anniversary since I was a child.

Next year on their 45th anniversary, Andre and I are taking them to the Carribean sea and we will scatter their ashes together. That was what I promised my father and I think it is so fitting to do it on a milestone.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Old Mexican Lady

There is an old woman that lives on a corner that I pass, in and out of my house. She is usually out front of her house in the evening, wearing an apron.

I can imagine that she has worked hard cooking and cleaning all day. I imagine that her relaxation is stepping outside, seeing who is around, being a part of the world and stopping to enjoy life.

She looks like an old woman. Not just an old Mexican woman but an old woman. It is truly amazing to me how babies all look like beautiful babies and how old women look like old women, regardless of nationality or status in life.

But this woman is special.

I don't remember when I first started waving to her as I passed, but it has been awhile now. When I wave at her, she waves back but when she waves, she gives me a present.

She smiles.

Her smile is so full of warmth and love and pure happiness. She makes me smile every time I see her. Her smile is missing teeth so it is not that she is outwardly beautiful, although I am sure she was stunning when she was younger. Her smile just makes the world ok.

I look for her every time I drive past and sometimes she has been busy with whoever she is talking to, to notice my driving by. I am sure that I am not as important to her day as she is to mine.

When she doesn't see me or isn't there for me, I truly miss her. I was watching an interview and a story was shared about a famous movie star from a long time ago, forgive me I can't remember his name. The story was about a child who 's bedroom window overlooked a train station and how this child connected with a man on the train, where they waved and connected, even though they never met. The end of the story talked about how some people come into your life and you truly connect heart to heart but you never really know them.

That is this woman to me.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Weather vs. Family and Friends

Forgive my not writing in my blog all weekend. This was a hard weekend for me and I am not sure why.

I woke up Saturday morning so filled with loneliness and sadness of being alone here. I am not sure where it came from but it was so strong it was like a presence beside me constantly.

I avoid people when I am like that as I don't want to spread my poison around. I also personally can not stand the sound of my whining or misery, so I prefer to just ride it out.

When my grandmother asked what was wrong I told her I was sad at being alone and that I missed my husband terribly. She explained in her version of thinking that I should not be sad as I was here in Paradise and it was cold and snowy in Canada. Funny that may be here version of life and it certainly was my father's but it is not mine.

I never could understand how climate was a priority of your family and friends and I used to get very upset at my father for that reason.

I get the amazing comfort of being in a temperate climate all the time. I get the no snow and no ice and no cold. I get the flowers and the trees and the views.

It is beautiful here but nothing for me could replace my family. I know it will be easier when my immediate family is together and we make new friends.

But I know that I will be happier when money is not an object and I can visit my son, my family and the friends that are so precious to me.

I truly wonder if I will ever fully adapt.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Guadalajara Zoo

Today I was a chaperon for Kristen's school trip to the Guadalajara Zoo. I have not been to a zoo in about 20 plus years and I was just as excited as Kristen was.

The children rode in a plush touring bus that would be wonderful for any trip and was so far from the noisy orange school buses that she is used to going on for any school trips. The parents and most of the teachers rode in the school bus, which is a long decked out van, so we rode in peace and quiet.

When we arrived at the zoo there was an amazing fountain out front that held all the faces of the animals on it, for the water to rush around it. It was beautiful and then when we entered the gates, we were met with another large fountain but this time it went down 3 large flights of stairs and had monkeys on all poses inside the fountain. When we looked down the flight of stairs there was another fountain but this one had real live flamingos in it.

We walked to the African safari exhibit and looked at many animals along the way. The African safari was seen via a safari style bus that drove us around. There we saw Hippos, zebras, Ostrich's, buffalo and my favourite was the giraffe's.

We were given chopped up carrots when we got in the bus and we found out what they were for when we got to the giraffe's. They came running for the vehicle and all the children squealed with delight as they ate right out of the children's hands, so gently.

Then we had lunch and went to an exhibit which I am sure was fascinating but I did not understand it because it was all in Spanish. But what I did understand was that it was a presentation about the world and the different climates and how the animals survive there.

Then we went on a train ride through the zoo where we caught quick glances of elephants, tigers, lions and many other exotic animals. I would have loved to have had the time to walk right up to the cages and see the animals.

The zoo was really well done with each animal living in its appropriate surroundings. The mountain goats were in a rocky area, the leopard was in a grassy, treed area that was surrounded by a mote and water to keep it in instead of cages. It was truly wonderful.

We only had 3.5 hours to spend there and that is never enough time to fully appreciate any type of exhibit but it sure was not enough time for me. I will have to go back and spend the day when Andre gets here.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Walmart is Open

This morning at 8am Walmart opened. Normally I would have sauntered in somewhere late in the afternoon but today I had to drive Kristen to school so I thought I might as well get properly dressed and head over there.

I arrived there at 7:45 am and there was already a crowd forming. There were people in balloon costumes and some girls that I thought were picketing but turns out they were just announcing the grand opening.

We waited while they prepared the Priest did his thing. He blessed the store and then walked around with the holy water, please forgive me catholics for not knowing what the whole ceremony was about.

Then every staff member formed a two sided line from the entrance, did a cheer and then clapped welcoming us in. The first person closest the door on the entrance side (I was on the exit side), was asked to cut the ribbon. Pretty cool. I have never walked into a Walmart where the employees were clapping that I was there.

I wandered around and saw all the clothing, bras, appliances, lines ect that I wanted and then I headed to the grocery section. The fresh fish, seafood, meat and produce were wonderful.

I found my Arizona iced teas. Normally I have the big can that says 99 cents on it, but the price was $9.69 pesos which converted now is about 94 -95 cents. Wow my favorite things are cheaper here even if they are produced North.

The lacked some of the things that I need. I wanted sausages but they didnt have any. I wanted smoked salmon and that was no where to be found either. Things that I want for Christmas like herring or a Deli section for ham or turkey, I will have to continue shopping at Super Lake. But maybe someone from Walmart will read this and stock those items.

Monday, November 10, 2008

War Memories from my Grandmother

My grandmother just came over and was sharing with me memories of her living through the war because Remembrance Day is tomorrow. I will do my best to do justice to her story here.

She was in the theatre in Estonia with her two sisters, Helme and Linda when the bombing began. The air siren started and everyone was rushed to the basement bomb shelter.

They did their best to stay near the doorway because they were worried about being crushed by the mob if they panicked.

When the sirens were finished and it was safe to come out, they tried to leave the theatre but every exit was engulfed in flames. Finally they were rescued by German soldiers.

When I asked why the Germans were rescuing them, she said that the Russians were invading and pushing the Germans out, so at that moment in time they were all on the same side.

Everyone climbed into the German army truck that was open on the sides. The truck had been in the process of delivering gasoline somewhere so there was a lot of fear that the bombing planes would return and their truck would burst into flames and they would die in a burning truck.

But they didn't. They managed to get driven to Latvia where they found a farmer that allowed them to hide out in his sauna until it was safe. They slept the night there and when they woke up they found that they were covered in lice due to the lice infested blankets they slept in.

They found their way back to Parnu where her parents lived. Her mother heated up the sauna as hot as she could and everyone deposited their clothes in there to rid themselves of the lice.

It took 3 days for her to be reunited with her husband and when she saw him he was driving injured people to the hospital or they were dead I am not sure which one due to how she told the story because all she remembers is that the car was soaked with blood.

It was that event that made them decide to flee the country and that was when she made her way to Sweden, which is another amazing story of survival. That was where my mother was born and my grandmother began her life as a single parent.

What an amazing life and it is truly amazing that at 94 years old she can recount such a story with all the details.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Chapala Pier

Yesterday when we were in Chapala at the art show, before we returned home we sat at the Beer Garden right on the lake, enjoyed the strongest Cosmo I have ever had, and then walked along the pier.

I had heard ravings about how wonderful the new malecon is but I had never seen it before or ever, until yesterday. The boardwalk is perfectly paved with beautiful tiles. It is such a joy to walk on.

There are brand new park benches all along the pier and stained a deep brown which makes them the most beautiful park benches I have ever seen.

Of course there were flowers all along there hanging from the light poles and alongside the pier.

Chapala Inn is right there off the water and it always looked a little like a hole in the wall from the front but from the back, I would love to stay there, its so beautiful.

They are opening all new restaurants facing the water so it will be a real treat to be there any time day or night.

The PanAm games are coming to Lake Chapala in 2011 I believe and so they are working really hard to upgrade the entire areas. There has been so much money spent and it is so worth it.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Artisans Fair in Chapala

Today I need to get out of the house. Andre was at home in Canada emptying our home, giving away our prized possessions and I was feeling sad.

There is nothing like shopping to cure a little sadness so I asked my friend Janet if she wanted to go. She had already been but was up to tagging along with me. Yeah!!

First we went to find an artisans outlet just outside of Chapala that she had heard good things about. We found it, after a bit of an adventure and they had so many beautiful vases, jars and other ceramic decorative pieces. Because I have not made this house my home yet, nothing jumped out at me. I found nothing that said this would be perfect there.... So I came away empty handed. Janet found that something that she had to have and bought it.

So off we went to the artisans fair at the Yacht club in Chapala. It was a beautiful setting right on the lake and the lawns were filled with so many beautiful things that I just wanted.

There was a large ceramic jar, about 2.5 feet high that was a glistening pineapple. There were so many colours and I really liked them and wanted them. But the big ones that I loved were $1800 pesos, so unless I knew where I wanted to put it, not a good idea.

I found a mesquite wood carving that was about 3 feet high of a dolphin diving in the water. The dolphin was oiled and smooth and the base that it sat on was in its original condition. It matched all the other wood pieces that I had been given by my parents in their travels and matched all the others that I now inherited. It was only $900 pesos so it was a steal but I thought that if I was going to get something like that I should know where it was going to go.

I found so many beautiful things like a silver toilet paper holder that had painted flowers on it, a silver earring holder with a butterfly on it for Kristen.'

Mexico has black pottery that is just spectacular and I had seen it when I was here visiting my parents years ago. I really loved it then and wanted to buy it, and here it was today at the shop. Thank goodness there was not one that I adorded today or my pocket book would have been hurt.

Mexico has the most beautiful artwork made from the bark of a tree. The bark is soaked so they can manipulate it into braids, cutouts and all sorts of designs. The colours are always natural brown, beige or soft white and they had so many there so reasonably priced. I would love to have one and I will one day.

Janet my friend and common sense for the moment made me think about all that I wanted to buy.

So I decided that I would enjoy these found treasurers so much more if I was to search and find them, falling in love with each piece when my husband was here with me and we could build our new home together.

So that is what I am doing. I will wait and live in a house that it filled with memories and some one else's things so that I can create a new life and home, together with the love of my life.

I can't wait!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Computer Problems

I don't know why I seem to be cursed with computers but I am.

I wanted to bring my computer down to Mexico with me when I came but right before I brought it down, it got a virus and crashed and needed to be rebuilt. This was not the first time it happened to me or to this computer. I had it rebuilt once before as well.

When we got down here, I found a young computer geek who came over and helped me configure my computer and make it work to peek performance. Everything was wonderful.

Then another virus hit.

So he came and got the computer and took it to the computer lab and loaded Linux and Windows so I could work on both systems. After it came back all done and new, I sent my fathers computer to get the same thing done because it was starting to fail too.

Unfortunately my perfect newly built computer did not last more than a week before it started acting up again and it got progressively worse as time went on.

So Young Techie came back with my fathers computer and took a look at what was wrong. He said something that I can not tell you how many times I have heard it from other techies. He said " I have NEVER seen this one before"

Why does every wierd and unusual issue with computers always happen to me?

So my computer has gone back to Techie Workshop and hopefully it will work again.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Day of the Dead

On Sunday we went to the "Celebration" in Chapala for the Day of the Dead. When you go to such an event you really need to put aside your North of the Border beliefs and traditions because this is the exact opposite of what we are used to.

The history of this celebration is that they believe that on November 1st and 2nd that if they make a proper alter for their beloved. The 1st of November is a memorial for children and the 2nd is for the adults. I don't think I could have handled going to the children's one because it was enough of a culture shock just going on the 2nd.

The altars are 3-4 levels high, with remembrances of those who have passed on. They will have their favourite foods, drinks and activities. Many many of the altars that I saw had bottles of booze on them and it was always the persons preferred brand. All of their good and bad was displayed as it is to show the person as they actually were. There is no hiding of weaknesses for the sake of privacy. Everything is out to show.

One alter that we saw had a corpse displayed laying down on the ground. There were picket fences on either side of the corpse and it had signs saying Disfunctional Life.

Some had slide shows or movies that was the favourite of the deceased.

There was an elaborate altar set up against abortion with a whole production of music and film as well as dolls of difference stages of a fetus.

Some had children and/or adults dressed as the dead. There was one woman dressed with white and black makeup and a bridal gown on holding a sign that she was looking for a new good looking boyfriend. Some people managed to hold not only their poses but their eye expressions were all solid and dead looking. The commitment that it takes to hold these poses was extrodinary.

Most of the altars had food and drink that they handed out to anyone going by. There were sweets and cakes. There was cinnamon tea, pop or rice water (another sweet drink). This event would have a major impact on the budgets of these people but they do it in honour of their loved ones.

We went into a primary school that had displays done by the children. There were shoe boxes dressed as coffins. Some were made of wood and very eloborate. Some of the displays were made of miniture versions of the adult altars with little plastic offerings attached. There was a sound system that had a child's voice saying "Don't cry for me. I am in a wonderful place. Come play with me. Don't cry" It was disturbing and comforting all at the same time.

The belief is that there is a small veil between us here alive and those who have died and that creating there altars with their favourite belongings and strong scents is all that it takes to be reunited with their loved ones. They believe that on this day of the year, they are together with them and the Day of the Dead is a celebration of being back together. There was a store bought sign on one of the altars that said "Feliz Dia de los Meurtos" meaning Happy Day of the Dead like Happy Birthday would be done in Canada.

It is a wonderful concept and thought but I found myself crying over my own personal losses after seeing a mother sobbing in a school after obviously losing a child.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


When my paternal grandmother died 4.5 years ago, my daughter was wearing a black dress with a dragonfly on it. The minister at the funeral used the symbolism of the dragonfly to talk about the passing of my grandmother. Ever since that moment, dragonflies have had a special meaning for me.

I have a dragonfly that hangs on my wall which was a gift from a very dear friend. I used to have plaques with them all over the house.

One day I went to lunch with my friend and her mother in law. We were talking about feeling the spirits of those gone and we were giving all sorts of examples in our lives. It was a very special lunch and very intimate. When I left the restaurant and for the first time in my life, a dragonfly came and landed on my shoulder. It startled me and I without thinking brushed it off. Immediately I knew it was a message and said hello to my grandmother.

When we moved here, there were dragonflies every where. They were playing and dancing in the garden and looking at everything. I was sure it was my parents coming to see the changes in the garden and make sure we were ok.

My grandmother's birthday is the end of August. I had a huge party for the neighbourhood and her friends. I cooked the entire day before and we had a great time. After the party was over, I was hot and tired so I put on my bathing suit and went to the pool. After I cooled down and was relaxing, a dragonfly came and flew around my head. I knew it was my mother thanking me for being there for my grandmother and helping her to forget for a moment. I knew in my heart that was what it was and said your welcome to my mom.

I have not seen any dragonflies since then until yesterday. Yesterday when I was at the school picking up Kristen, a large dragonfly was playing around my car. I watched it go up and down and around all over the car. Then without any notice, it flew in the window and hit my hair. I wish I was calmer, because I jumped out of the car without thinking.

Then this morning Kristen came into my room and told me that there was a large dragonfly in her room. She opened her window and left the room so it could fly out.

I do not know what the dragonflies mean today. Is it a warning? Or is there a lesson to be learned?

Everyone in my life is having a hard year this year, 2008. There is so much turmoil and change and a lot of pain. I have been told that the mystics had forecast that 2008 would be like that. But are these two very personal encounters with the dragonflies a sign of change?

I sure hope so.