Saturday, November 1, 2008


When my paternal grandmother died 4.5 years ago, my daughter was wearing a black dress with a dragonfly on it. The minister at the funeral used the symbolism of the dragonfly to talk about the passing of my grandmother. Ever since that moment, dragonflies have had a special meaning for me.

I have a dragonfly that hangs on my wall which was a gift from a very dear friend. I used to have plaques with them all over the house.

One day I went to lunch with my friend and her mother in law. We were talking about feeling the spirits of those gone and we were giving all sorts of examples in our lives. It was a very special lunch and very intimate. When I left the restaurant and for the first time in my life, a dragonfly came and landed on my shoulder. It startled me and I without thinking brushed it off. Immediately I knew it was a message and said hello to my grandmother.

When we moved here, there were dragonflies every where. They were playing and dancing in the garden and looking at everything. I was sure it was my parents coming to see the changes in the garden and make sure we were ok.

My grandmother's birthday is the end of August. I had a huge party for the neighbourhood and her friends. I cooked the entire day before and we had a great time. After the party was over, I was hot and tired so I put on my bathing suit and went to the pool. After I cooled down and was relaxing, a dragonfly came and flew around my head. I knew it was my mother thanking me for being there for my grandmother and helping her to forget for a moment. I knew in my heart that was what it was and said your welcome to my mom.

I have not seen any dragonflies since then until yesterday. Yesterday when I was at the school picking up Kristen, a large dragonfly was playing around my car. I watched it go up and down and around all over the car. Then without any notice, it flew in the window and hit my hair. I wish I was calmer, because I jumped out of the car without thinking.

Then this morning Kristen came into my room and told me that there was a large dragonfly in her room. She opened her window and left the room so it could fly out.

I do not know what the dragonflies mean today. Is it a warning? Or is there a lesson to be learned?

Everyone in my life is having a hard year this year, 2008. There is so much turmoil and change and a lot of pain. I have been told that the mystics had forecast that 2008 would be like that. But are these two very personal encounters with the dragonflies a sign of change?

I sure hope so.

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