Friday, September 26, 2008

Early Dismissal every Friday

I am getting ready to pick up my daughter from school shortly because it is Friday. Every Friday the school lets out an hour early at 1:30pm.

I think its wonderful. They work hard all week going to school from 8am - 2:30pm and my daughter has after school Spanish lessons Tuesday and Thursday until 4pm. Every night they have at least 1 hour of homework, so letting them leave early on Friday I think is a wonderful reward for working hard all week.

Imagine if it worked like that in the adult working life. Imagine working hard and being rewarded EVERY single week. Imagine earning an extra 20% a week for working hard.

What would our world be like if every Friday afternoon was family time around the world? How would our children be different? How would WE be different?

What an amazing concept to imagine and consider. I think I would really like that world.

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