Friday, September 26, 2008

My grandmother and her garden


My grandmother asked me to take pictures of her and her garden so that she could send to her nephew and her sister. I got out my camera and went to her casita and told her I was ready to take the pictures that she requested. She insisted that I come later after she had changed and dressed for the occasion.

I went home and waited for her to prepare. What I wasn't prepared for was her posing. Not only would she hide her walker but she would pose like she was a supermodel. How hilarious for a 94 year old woman to pose like that. She still is young at heart.

She told me to stand here and take a picture facing this way. She told me to move there and take this picture. She has this image that she wants the camera to see, but not all shots come out like her eyes see it.

I probably shouldn't admit this because she won't be happy about it but I can't resist. Can you see the pictures and in some she is wearing a blue outfit and in others she is wearing a pink? She wanted it to look like the pictures were taken at different times, so she did a costume change between sets. You can also see in the picture of her reading, that it appears as if I walked into her casita with my camera and couldn't resist taking a picture of her reading. She is such a model and loves to pose.

I took the pictures and then showed them to her on the computer. She couldn't understand how they got from the camera to the computer or how you could reuse the chip. I tried to explain that it was like a plate. You could fill the plate with food and then transfer the food to your stomach. But then the plate could be used again the next day to put more food on it. I think she understood but usually when she just laughs like she did, its her way of saying - Never mind.

She insisted on printing the pictures so she could mail to them to her family because she doesn't understand how they can emailed and viewed. I took my chip to the local drugstore and used the Kodak machine to print out the pictures I wanted. I requested 3 sets of most pictures and 2 of some, so she could mail them and still have a copy of herself. Seems I didn't read her mind well enough and I printed too many. Oh well.

Here are some of the pictures of her and her garden. You can see she has aged but still amazing for being 94 years old.

1 comment:

inez said...

Tell AAma that I think she looks the same as ten years ago! Certainly she has just as much spirit! I could take lessons from her.