Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween in Mexico

Halloween is one of those North of the Border traditions that is a little confusing here in Mexico.

If you ask any starch Catholic Mexican they will say Halloween is not here and the government is working hard to ensure that it does not come here.

But in my community, only the Mexican families have Halloween decorations. We went out to dinner last night to a Mexican restaurant and they had Day of the Dead and Halloween decorations. The stores have a small area of costumes and candy for Halloween.

A friend of Kristen's is going Trick or Treating and they said that they meet people on the streets where they are waiting with their candy to give out. I was told that the chant was I want Halloween by the children instead of Trick or Treat.

The Day of the Dead is a tradition that is wonderful on the surface but is based on fear and retribution. They honour the dead in their family, remembering the essence of them with their food preferences, their loves in life and music. It is a personal celebration of those who are gone. But the belief is that if you don't do it then the dead will come and wreak havoc with your life.

Mexico is becoming more and more North American but they are still hanging onto their traditions. It is so wonderful to see the balance.

Tonight we are going to a grown up Halloween Party. Kristen made the decision on the costumes. She wants to be a cat, and has decided to be Coco and she wants me to dress as a man, or my father. Not sure if it is ghoulish or a mix of both traditions. Halloween and Day of the Dead all rolled together. Hmmmm.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dinner with Lena

I have been working all month on entering my mother's personal cookbook on to the internet. So many feelings and memories are coming up.

My mother took all her favourite recipes that she found, traded or made and put them into a binder with plastic lined sheet protectors. The recipes are cut outs, typewriter typed and handwritten. I am sure glad that I knew her style of recipe writing before I began this project because even with the knowledge I am still asking my mom what she meant, by how she wrote it, so many times.

I can feel her close to me and am remembering cooking together, setting the table for events and talking on the phone for endless hours about recipes.

I am planning on putting all of her dinner parties and recipes on the internet and charging a nominal fee to access them as a way of supporting myself here. She kept every dinner plan for everyone she ever had over. I have a 6 inch stack of notebooks filled with her notes, plans and thoughts. I will be showing everyone's first name that attended the party so you will know who you are but still have privacy. I hope when you read it you will remember fondly the fun you had with her.

I am planning on sharing memories and stories of her on this site. You can remember, laugh and take her wonderful expertise and claim it as your own. I am really looking forward to building this project.

If you were not lucky enough to be invited or know her, then you can duplicate exactly what and how she did and I guarantee that you will be honoured with raves and praise by all you entertain.

I am listening to music that she loved and getting up and dancing in between typing. So the positive energy that she had I hope will be transferred to this and she will live on through this site. I am planning on calling it Dinner with Lena. What do you think?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Music Today

Last night when we went out for dinner, someone said that there has been a sadness in the neighbourhood since my parents passing and how the socializing seemed to stop. I remarked that is the last thing my parents would have wanted. They loved to socialize. They loved food and dinner parties. They loved music and laughter. They loved friends.

Last night before I went out I went into the safe and took out my fathers necklace and wore it. I am still wearing it. I am wearing my mothers wedding ring. So I feel their energy close to my skin and heart. Maybe that is why this morning happened.

I got woken up by a friend in distress. I had a message on my answering machine with another friend in turmoil in her life. Then I talked to Andre and we discussing all the details of closing the house and being apart.

I had a heavy heart.

So I decided to change the energy in my house and in my heart. I turned on the satellite radio to the 70's channel and blasted it, loud. I began working around the house cleaning and moving things. I know that I need to get rid of all the things that are bothering me like I did at my own house but the stress of getting rid of things that belonged to my parents is so hard on my grandmother. I have put my needs and my desires aside while she is alive to make it easier on her but it is getting harder and harder for me to suppress my life to keep a facade of my parents life alive for the sake of my grandmother. I know that would be the last thing my parents would have wanted me to do but it is so hard to see her cry at the changes.

The music is loud and making me sing but I find that I still have to work hard to beat the sadness away. Maybe I need disco music or maybe it needs to louder.

I will keep working on it. Christmas is coming and that is going to be a whole new experience.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Good Bye to a Friend

Tonight, we as a community went out to dinner to Ajijic Tango. The reason for our get together was to say good bye to dear friend who has been a major contributor to this community.

She brought her logic to the board. She brought her love of life to her friends and neighbours. She brought friendship to my mother. She brought hope and support to my father.

She has been all of the above to me.

Whenever I miss my mother and need her advice, I go to T. She thinks like my Mom did. She has insight like my mother and she doesn't mince words, just like my mother. Sometimes I can forget for a moment that my mother is gone when I am talking to T. What an amazing gift that is.

My mother was confined to a wheelchair in the last years of her life, due to injuries, so the life of the party and the drawing people together through her parties and friendship, didn't really happen here. She didn't get out to meet the neighbours like she did in both of our houses in Ontario.

But T saw through that and saw the real woman that she was. They connected and were dear friends.

But unfortunately she has her own life commitments and a life elsewhere other than here in Ajijic and she is returning full time to it. She will be so dearly missed by everyone but especially me.

It hard to imagine that you could feel so close and intimate with someone that you have known for such a short time. But that is exactly how I feel about her.

The neighbourhood said goodbye and wished her well.

Her friends are going to miss her presence but know the friendship will follow where she is.

I know I have to really grow up and be the adult and find my inner strength to make a new life. But I am missing the motherly touch that I didn't outgrow in all my 43 years and T was my last connection to that.

Thank you T. You will never know how much you meant to me and how much you truly helped. I wish you and your family a wonderful new life and you always have a friend in me.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

He Loves my House

Yesterday Andre met with the new purchaser of our house in Canada and I am thrilled to say, he loved my house.

That may not mean as much to some people as it means to me, so let me explain why it is so wonderfully exciting to me that we have sold our house to someone who loves it as much as we do.

We purchased three years ago, this 130 year old house in a small town. It was one of the original houses of the town and it was in horrible shape. The people who owned it last for almost 40 years, did no upkeep on the house but they did add an addition to help store all their stuff. They were huge collectors of "stuff". They had so much of it that there were pathways to get around the house and their stuff was their insulation. It was horrible on the inside and ugly ugly on the outside.

We gutted the house taking it to the studs. We rebuilt walls and floor joists. We rewired, replumbed, insulated and redesigned the layout. We made a huge master suite with an ensuite that was 12x12'. It was huge.

We made all the closets with lighting that turned on automatically when you opened the doors. The master bedroom had his and hers closets each with double doors.

We made a pantry that could walk in and out of, but it only had narrow shelves for one row of items. That way everything was easily on display and found. It had a pegboard that held all my kitchen tools, so I didn't have to dig in a drawer to find what I wanted. I loved my pantry.

We changed all the windows and doors and put in huge bright windows and doors. We were a bit of a fish bowl but the light that streamed into the house was so wonderful and lifted your heart even in the dreariest of days that we didn't care. The front doors were double doors with full bevelled glass inserts. It was so elegant and it made coloured light sparkle around the entry when the sun hit it.

My kitchen counter was my pride and joy. I went to the nearby beach and after playing in the water with friends and family (I had to go more than once) I pulled out buckets and buckets of small pebbles. We built a custom island with the rocks on the top and 2 part epoxy to hold it together. It was not only beautiful but easy to clean and impenetrable. You could put hot pots on it, chop on it and nothing would damage it. I wanted to make an outside table like that for the deck after we built that, but I guess that is not going to happen.

We had only 1 room left to finish but had all the materials ready to go. The new owner asked for our plans on how we were going to lay it out and I think he is going to use those plans or pretty close to it.

I know I would have been happy just to sell the house so we could be a family together again. But I am so thrilled that he loves all the special touches that we put our heart and soul into. Someone else can finish our dream and we will finish my parents.

How life works!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Scorpion in the Living Room

Last night around 11:30 at night I was watching tv in my pj's, slightly dozing when I woke up to a 2" long scorpion running from under the couch.

They really are stupid creatures because it ran out from where it was hidden and ran into the middle of the living room and stood there. It stood there while I ran around the house looking for the dang fly swatter. That thing seems to move all over the house and is never where I think it should be.

About 3-4 minutes later, I found a fly swatter and returned to rid myself of this horrible creature. Like every other time I have seen one, this one also stood there and waited for me to squash it. But a thing like a scorpion you want to make sure it is really dead, so I always hit it again and again to be sure that it is not faking it.

Now that the thing is dead and lying in the middle of my living room, now that I have been brave and killed it, now I am frozen in terror and am actually contemplating running out to the security gate in my jammies and asking Rafael to come and pick it up. After convincing myself that this was the most ridiculous thing for a 43 year old woman to do I searched for the second fly swatter.

After finding the second one, we used one to shoe the dead body onto the other swatter and used it as a long carrying board that was far far away from my body and gave the creature a sailors burial with a flush.

They really are so easy to kill and totally stupid by they still elicit such fear in me that I think I will return to wearing my shoes in the house again and get the house resprayed. Now that the rainy season is over they must be coming looking for water again.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Coco is Gone

I just returned from the vet. I have been putting off going because I knew what he would say but after finding myself with the afternoon free and not sleeping for two nights because Coco is up all night screaming in pain, I just couldn't put it off anymore.

The vet examined him and felt his belly. As soon as he touched his kidney's Coco cried in pain. There was no avoiding it, Coco was beginning to die.

I was so afraid of Kristen waking up in the morning and finding him dead and as much as I think I have prepared her, there has been so much death around here, this is really going to devastate her.

I have asked the maids to get rid of the cat box so we don't have to see it and deal with it. They easily complied knowing what has happened around here.

I will put on my happy face when I pick her up and when I get her home, I will break the news. Say a prayer for us tonight. It's going to be a hard evening.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Helping others and Paying it forward

Just like anywhere else in the world, we have people begging for money here too. I think I may have become jaded already.

There was a woman at Super Lake who had 2 children with her. She had a sign asking for money for medicine for her children. I gave her a good sum of money. Then I saw her two days later with a different sign and asking for money again, I told her no, I had already given to her. After talking with others it appears that she rents these children and it is her business.

I saw another woman sitting on the ground, making herself look small and helpless and I thought handicapped. But as I was sitting waiting for my grandmother to finish shopping, I saw her stand, shake herself off of crumbs, pack up her blanket and wish everyone around her a good night and see them tomorrow. Obviously this was her job.

So I no longer to give to beggars. What I do instead is help those close to me who I see trying hard to make a difference in their lives. I have two of them but one in particular that I want to do anything and everything to help.

I have given our maids so much clothing and other things that they can use or sell. I have driven them home because I gave them so much they couldn't take it on the bus. I have served them lunch but that was a disaster. They felt so uncomfortable you could tell they couldn't wait to get out of there.

But the one I really want to help is our neighbourhood security guard. He works 6 nights a week from 8pm - 8am guarding us. Then he works all day painting, moving or anything else that he can do to support his family. He is Kristen's tutor and works with her 5 nights a week. He is kind and hard working and really wants to make a difference in his family's life.

I respect and honour him for how hard he works and every opportunity that I have to help or work for and with him, I will do it. I think that is how to make a difference instead of giving to beggars. So many people in my life reached out and helped me when I needed it, without asking for anything in return. The best thing I can do to repay them is to pay it forward.

What a great movie that is.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pain and Confusion

Today Kristen and I drove Andre to the airport to send him off for another 2 months, when he can come visit his family again for Christmas. I kept waiting for it to hit Kristen and figured that bedtime would be the time.

Sure enough bedtime came and Kristen had a stomach ache and wanted to sleep in bed with me. She was crying and saying how much she liked having her father around and she knew that it had to be like this but it still hurt her. She then began crying about the cat being sick and maybe dying.

She seems to have tied loss and pain to animals and that is how she copes. She has transferred her pain of her grandparents and all her loss to our dog Zena and now Coco.

I am left thinking is 2008 the year of loss for our family and will we make it through? Coco won't live too much longer, he is getting sick and crying all the time again. Aama is getting older and who knows how much longer she has. We have lost my parents and moved our lives, uprooted from family and friends and separated an immediate family, all for the love of family. How ironic is that?

Will this be a good experience for Kristen that shows her the power of love and family or will she resent me putting my elderly grandmothers needs above hers? Will be away from her father for almost a year be a serious detriment to her life or will she learn to appreciate time and love more for this experience?

How I wish I had a crystal ball and knew that all our decisions were the best ones for all of us. How I wish I knew how to proceed and do the right thing. How I wish I knew that at the end of all this pain, separation and turmoil will be our reward and paradise. But I guess that is what faith is.

But its moments like this that I am thankful that my daughter needs me and wants to sleep with me so I don't have to feel so alone as well. Comforting her allows me to feel my own pain and get support from her. One day she may read this and know that I need her as much as she needs me during this time. Truly we are all we have right now and what I know for sure is that we can get through anything no matter how much it hurts.

Driving in Guadalajara

Yesterday we made the trek to Guadalajara. I wanted to go to Costco, the mall, Ford dealership to look at my car to give an estimate etc and then we were returning home to go to dinner with Sandra and Henri, our neighbours.

We got up early enough and headed out. Our first arrival (we went in order of finding the places) was Walmart to see if they had any bedding that Kristen liked. She has a twin bed and only has queen sheets for them - so it doesn't work well and here in Ajijic we currently only have Soriana for sheets and you can only get 180 thread counts. Walmart had nothing that she liked and the shoes didnt fit her either so we left.

We found Ford next and they appraised the damage on the car from my accident and said even if the parts were available in Mexico (but they aren't) it would cost almost $26,000 pesos. Too much. I will talk to our insurance next week.

We asked them to hook up the car to a diagnotic to tell us why the car kept stalling. They wouldn't have the computer tool until Monday and they suggested that we get it done in Ajijic.

So we headed off to Costco. The computer file back up I want is too expensive here so I will have Andre bring one down at Christmas and they had no twin sheet sets only Queen and King, so other than getting to see what Costco had and getting a new stainless steel cannister set, Costco was a bust too.

We headed across the street to the Galleria Mall and off to Sears - yes Sears is here too. Their bedding department is much smaller than north of border and hideously expensive, 850 pesos for twin set of sheets with 150 thread count. Not for me. So that wasn't a great time saver either.

So we left there to go to the outlet mall on the outskirts of town to see if they had bedding for her bed otherwise we decided she could wait until Christmas. And turning left onto our street, the car stalled and refused to restart. You have to let it wait until it is ready to restart but in the middle of a busy 6 lane road was not an ideal place for it to happen. I had visions of the Federales coming to move us because of all the cars honking at us, asking for our import papers and them taking the car from me because I still can't find them. Thankfully the car started before my worst nightmare happened.

We arrived at the outlet mall and there was a bedding store with tons of sheets, duvet covers and bed in a bag, which is what I wanted. And we settled on a brown, blue and green set with circles. It is really cool looking and we are all happy.

I do not think I will venture out as far as Guad again until the car is in my name and Jalisco plated (which is how we have decided to proceed). The stress is just not worth it.

But dinner and our company was a perfect way to end such a day. We had an awesome time.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Tobilandia and Pizza

Today was the day that we celebrated Kristen's birthday with her friends. It was too hard to try to do it during the week with her tutoring and after school lessons, so we decided on today.

Since we moved here all I have heard about is her wanting to go to Tobilandia. It is a water park very close to our house. So her wish was to go there. Her school ends at 1:30 and the park closes at 6pm so we had tons of time.

Friday is not a busy day there so with only 2-3 other families in the whole park, the kids had the place to themsleves. The water slides twisted and turned around each other and they changed which slides were open at a time. I believe that was to make sure that there were no accidents in the catch pool.

The had inner tubes to run down the slides with and the stairs that those children climbed over and over to get to the top and slide down, was better then any exercise program. Maybe that is what we adults should do to stay in shape and lose weight, we should just play like a child.

Dinner after was at Toscana's the best pizza in Mexico because the owner is from Tuscany. Can you imagine leaving one paradise to come to another? We are all so glad that he did because his crust is so amazing.

I have stopped ordering the pizza when I go there because if you order a salad or pasta you get the pizza crust, baked with olive oil and salt and pepper and it is the best thing I have ever tasted. It is light and flaky and so good.

Tonight I had a salad with pears, walnuts, goat cheese and honey. A salad that tasted like desert. My main course was decadent pasta with garlic, olive oil and parmesan cheese.

Have you noticed that I talk about food a lot?

Lake Chapala's Martha Stewart

Last night we were invited to Rosemary and Bob's house for dinner. I love their house, their company, their friendship but even if didn't have all that going for them, being invited to their house for dinner would still be an honour.

My grandmother was invited as well and she was welcomed with her favourite drink, Vodka and Orange Juice. But this was not just a normal drink because they squeezed the oranges to make homemade juice.

Their house is built into the mountainside and has a spectacular view of the lake and mountains. That was where we enjoyed our conversation and drinks while getting ready for dinner.

We were fed the most amazing Chinese food, better than any restaurant I have ever been to and it was all homemade. We had coconut shrimp, egg rolls, crab balls, shrimp with lobster sauce and more. Our desert was homemade key lime pie made with the juice of the limes from their own trees.

After dinner our daughter was invited into the craft room. Imagine a whole room to do what you love. I would so want one of my own. There they sat making homemade earrings of Kristen's choice of bead. Spoiled!

We were sent home each with a homemade loaf of bread. Rosemary makes the most amazing bread you have ever tasted. I tried desperately to resist eating any when we arrived home because I was so full from dinner but all night their was a voice calling me "I'm over here - try me with butter" and finally at 11pm I broke down and did just as the voice suggested. Soo goood!!

We definitely have our own Martha Stewart right here at Lakeside and I feel so blessed to be invited. Thank you.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Maybe next spring we will be together

We were woken up this morning by our Canadian real estate agent calling us to say that we had an offer on our house in Canada. It is creative financing but at least everyone would be getting what they wanted.

The offer is full price but the purchaser would rent our house until it closes and they do have until March 1st to remove all clauses. We are going for it because this person really likes our house but they can't afford it right now. So they would rent which would lessen our load and we would have an end date.

I think that is the greatest value to us knowing that we would know exactly when our separation would end. That is the hardest part for me.

Andre will come down here at Christmas for 2 weeks and then I wouldn't see him again until we met at the border when he comes down with my car and my lamps and my other stuff that makes you feel like you are at home.

Imagine that, when he arrives my home will complete in all areas. Hmmmm.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Kristen's Birthday Today

Today is Kristen's 10th birthday. It is hard to believe that it was 10 years ago. In some ways it seems like yesterday but in other's she is such an old soul that it feels like she has always been apart of my life.

When I was growing up, my parents woke me up on my birthday by singing Happy Birthday to me and coming into my bedroom loaded with my presents. What an amazingly happy memory that I have.

This morning Andre and I woke up and went into Kristen's room singing Happy Birthday. She bounded out of bed and hugged us both. She was so happy to wake up like that, the same as I did. But she had to wait until after school for her presents otherwise we would never have gotten her to school today at all.

We bought a cake for her to take to school. Her teacher asked Kristen when she wanted to have the cake - either before class or after. She of course chose before which meant that she and the rest of her class was eating chocolate cake at 8am. Can you imagine?

All day long the teachers gave her candy and chocolate as a gift. The Spanish teacher had the class sing Happy Birthday in Spanish to her and then each child came and gave her a hug for her birthday. What an amazing tradition!!

Tonight we took her to Ajijic Tango for dinner at her request. They make Argentinian steak in a wood burning oven which is to die for. We had an appetizer of grilled Provolone with grilled red pepper and tomato. Then had steak with grilled veggies topped with melted Parmesan cheese.

Then we played pass the desert. I ordered cheese crepes with strawberries, Kristen ordered chocolate mousse and Andre ordered Strawberry ice cream with Raspberry sauce. Nobody finished what they ordered. I love that.

We had wine, beer, coffees and all that I just shared for all three of us for $617 pesos - with the peso now we are looking at over $50 CDN for our amazing dinner. Eating here in Mexico is just so indulgent it is wonderful.

Happy Birthday Baby!! We love you.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fighting today

Have you ever had such high expectations of what you dream about will happen but the other person just doesn't read your mind adequately - or not at all?

Thats what we just went through. Both Andre and I had ideas and dreams of our reunion and how it was going to be ideal for us but we didn't meet each others expectations very well. So on Day 3 of our time together we were fighting.

I think we have become accustomed to being apart and just having conversations like friends on the phone. We both had a hard time sleeping together because after 4 months of being apart, you just don't adapt quickly.

We finally after much "discussion" (code for fighting) realized how we both wanted so much but it just wasn't realistic.

Marriage is hard enough when you are living together and doing things together but a marriage by vacation is next to impossible. I have no idea how military marriages do it.

After much discussion and unless things change drastically, it looks like we will be living apart for almost a year. AHHHHHHH!!

Canadian Thanksgiving in Mexico

Yesterday was our Canadian Thanksgiving and we celebrated in style. I did not want to spend one whole day of my week with Andre cooking a Thanksgiving dinner that I guaranteed we would have spent the rest of the week eating leftovers because I don't cook small. So we went looking for a place to have dinner.

I had originally thought that we would eat at La Neuva Posada by the lake which is put on by the Canadian club and was $215 pesos each person but when I went to buy tickets they were sold out.

Plan B was I found a second restaurant called Manix in the Ajijic village on Ocampo and they were having a Canadian Thanksgiving dinner for $130 pesos each. I was thrilled to have not gotten tickets at La Neuva Posada.

We had us included Andre, Kristen and my grandmother and me and then we invited our neighbours and friends T and Ed and then I invited Rafael who is Kristen's tutor. He is such a wonderful man and he was a great addition to our table.

We had a choice of Carrot soup or Salad for starters, then our dinner had Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli and gravy. They served us bread and butter as well and Mexican butter is so sweet and amazing. I could have had so much more.

Half of us had wine with our dinner and when we ordered a second glass they came and brought the wine to to the table and poured just like you would do at home. The restaurant also looked so homey so it was a perfect spot for our Thanksgiving.

Desert was a choice of Pumpkin or Pecan pie. Both werre amazing but I ordered the Pumpkin which after asking if it came with a lot of whipped cream, mine was piled high. Hilarious.

All in all our dinner for 7 with drinks and coffees came to $1,125 pesos which I thought was a total bargain.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

La Tasca Restuarant

Yesterday afternoon Andre arrived. After we picked him up at the airport and did the big kissy kissy and came home safe and sound, we adjusted to being together. Andre looked at the garden and all the changes that my grandmother did and we sat and talked a bit and kissed alot more.

We decided to go to La Tasca for dinner. I knew that they had this awesome band playing there and it is right on the lake front. Actually it really is right on the lakefront now as the lake has obliviated their parking lot totally and the lake laps at the restaurant walls.

We had a lovely dinner right by the window and the band stage. I had shrimp wrapped in bacon - it was so unique and wrapped tight like a ball, Andre tasted his first arracherra and Kristen ordered a dinner that will eventually end up in the garbage. There was nothing wrong with it but it seems that she only likes packaged dried pesto instead of fresh and fresh was what she ordered.

But Kristen did enjoy her Creme Brulee even though her father tried to eat most of it. I had a couple of Amarettos and cofffee instead of desert. My personal heaven. The waiter taught me in Spanish how to say my heaven but I it is gone out of my head.

Andre had a Margaretta to celebrate his cousin Tami's birthday, which happened to be yesterday. She had asked him to have one for her. We toasted her birthday, but I wonder if she felt it.

Right after dinner the band began to play. We timed it perfectly. I love this band they play Latin American music from Equator, Chile, Mexico, Cuba etc. They use wooden flutes and other wooden wind instruments, bongos, guitars and other string instruments. It is beautiful, sensual and fun music and Andre was enraptured.

They play there every Saturday night and if you are here, it is worth it to go and enjoy, but don't take a 10 year old who wants to go home and watch tv instead of enjoying the atmosphere, music and company. Too bad.

Friday, October 10, 2008

My husband is coming!!

Tomorrow afternoon I will be at the airport to pick up my husband for a week's visit. We have not seen each other since June 17th, almost 4 months.

Three years ago I came here to visit with my parents and grandmother for 3 weeks. When I returned home we had a reunion in the roundabout in the Toronto airport that rivaled a movie directed shot. There was jumping in the air, passionate kisses, tears and so much emotion.

At that time we both said we would NEVER be apart that long again.

I have learned to never say never as you never know what life will bring you.

But tomorrow life is bringing me my husband, if only for a short week. I am afraid that I will cry alot thinking of his leaving instead of relishing each and every moment. I will try to find a balance.

Sometimes we make decisions based on the moment and for the right reasons but after we wonder if we would have made those decisions differently given different circumstances. Now that the grief of losing both my parents and the fear of my grandmother being alone is over I can see other options that I could have chosen.

But I also wasn't planning on a recession hitting the world, the layoffs in my home town, the growth of the nuclear plant near us to be moved elsewhere. All of these issues seriously affected our plans and made for such a long time away from each other.

I look forward to the day that we are living as a family and bickering over the toilet seat up or down or who is stealing the covers. Those annoyances are sorely missed when they are gone as they are idiosyncrasies of a loved one.

Only 30 more hours until we are together.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cops in Ajijic Mexico

Today I went to the insurance agent with my little piece of paper that the previous insurance agent gave. I was told that this little piece of paper would allow the insurance on both sides to argue it out, without the driver or me involved. So off I went.

I was I admit a bit distracted while I was driving because of a potential offer on our house that may be coming through and I was driving without my seatbelt. As I was turning left off the carreterra onto the libremento to get to the insurance agent, a cop from the opposite direction honked at me. I thought he saw my seatbelt off and I immediately put it on while looking in my rear view mirror to see if he had turned around. He hadn't so I kept going on my way taking it as a friendly reminder.

I pulled into the insurance office and guess who pulled in behind me? He wished me a buenos dias and told me that I was not allowed to turn left at that corner without the green arrow. I apologized and said that I had thought it was an advance and I could turn when safe.

I provided my licence, my ownership in my fathers name (which a lawyer said I was able to drive because I was immediate family) and my insurance. He asked for my dad's import papers which I have no idea where it is, some things I just can't find and that is one of them. He told me he was taking the car from me and once I had this paper, then I could pay the fines and get the car back.

At this point, all that I have gone through and all the stress came pouring out. I began hysterically crying and hyperventilating. I couldn't breathe and was making a scene but I couldn't control myself. How on earth would I survive here with a child and an elderly person with no car?

It turned out that a little grease was all he needed to go away and I greased alot. I would have in that moment emptied my purse for him just to make the situation go away.

It turns out that he was not allowed to do that and I could report him to his boss but I am not sure if that will keep him away from me or if it will make him harass me. Driving a big red Lincoln is not a car that remains under the radar, anywhere.

What a couple of days. Days like this you wonder what you are doing and just want to run home and hide under the sheets. Or run to your mom and have her give you a big hug. But none of that is possible for me, so I will just go to sleep and try to get my strength back.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My first accident in Ajijic

I never had an accident in Canada or I never had an accident claim in Canada. The only accident I ever had there was with black ice on the QEW in the fall but only a damaged tire happened.

Today, I was on my way to the tianguis in Ajijic or should I say I was on my way to the grocery store when I saw my neighbour, Ed who was on his way to there and I decided to join him. We strolled through the vendors and I bought some fruit for my grandmother and veggies for dinner tonight (Theresa my mothers closest friend from here arrived today and I was making her dinner) and flowers.

I bought 3 big bunches of flowers at the tianguis, one for my grandmother, one for me and one for T to make her arrival a little nicer.

I truly enjoyed my time with Ed and then I finished my shopping and running of errands and I was on my home to prepare for dinner, Yeah!! I was turning left onto the road to my house off of the carreterra and following behind a construction truck carrying rebar. The cop was there to direct traffic as the tianguis is a big traffic issue and he had stopped traffic and waved us through. The construction truck was going left and I was going straight. All was good.

But as I was right behind him, the truck seemed stuck and started reversing. I was immediately behind him and no where to go. I am driving a VERY large Lincoln Town Car and I would think I was impossible to miss, but I guess if you just start reversing and not look, which I am sure we have all done before at least once, anything is not seen.

So here I am stuck and I see he is reversing but think to myself, surely he will stop in time, or I can get past him in time, but neither happened. He reversed right into me, with rebar coming at my face because my window was thankfully open and I just stared in shock. I truly think that if he hadn't stopped, that I would have ducked in my seat and not let the rebar actually hit me but at the moment I seemed frozen staring at what was happening.

The cop came running and asked if I was ok, I was and I said so. He asked if I wanted to press charges and I said no. I had heard so many horror stories of gringos with out of country plates being guilty just because they were out of country visitors and the car was still in my fathers name so I just said I wanted us to resolve it between us.

The driver immediately called his boss and asked what to do and his boss said call the insurance. The driver and I had worked out a solution that would not involve the insurance but it was decided that insurance was the way to go for other driver.

So I waited over 2 hours on the corner for the insurance adjuster. Everyone was very kind and helpful even though I was appalled that the company was going to charge the employee with the deductible.

The kissing cop (as he is nicknamed) kept hugging me and asking if I was ok.

It was a long long day and I was really shaken up but all in all I was quite happy with how it was all handled.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Fall in Ajijic

It is times like these that I truly feel like a Canadian and an outsider to Mexico. Today I went to pick up Kristen in school at 2:30 in the afternoon and then went to get some groceries.

I had been working at my desk all day so I was wearing my comfort clothes; shorts, tank top and Birkenstock' s but when I arrived at the school everyone was wearing designer jeans, long sleeve shirts, socks and shoes and one person was wearing a furry vest.

I have my hair up in a ponytail, not because I am fashionable but because I am hot. I really should cut it short again. Everyone there had styled hair and looked absolutely gorgeous. There were designer purses and very cute and sassy looking mothers. Even the teachers looked fashionable and neat and here I feel like a sopping mess.

I asked someone how long it took to be acclimatize and they said about a year. Now mind you even in Canada and in a snow storm I could be found with my coat wide open and wearing running shoes. And my father was constantly wearing a jean jacket and clogs in the winter in Canada.

So maybe I won't acclimatize. Maybe I will always be hot and have to wear as little as possible. It is times like this that I wish I had a killer body because if I did, I swear I would live in a nudist colony where I didn't have to be bothered with clothes at all.

But alas, I don't have one, so here I remain, clothed and hot.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hummingbird Building a Nest

Some days you have a miracle happening right in front of your face and I am definitely having one of those lately.

My desk sits in the front of the house and there are no flowers at all in the front of the house, just trees. I did that on purpose so that the front of the house was clean and neat but simple and low maintenance. I was sure that the only hummingbirds that I would see would be in the backyard where it is full of flowers for them to feed on. They are definitely in the back feeding but I think the true show is here in the front.

On the lowest edge of one branch of a tree, a hummingbird is building a nest. Immediately outside my window, right in front of my face.

I have watched the hummingbird carry pieces of leaves in her beak, where it seems to heavy for her to carry and then watch her drop it and have to retrieve it.

The nest is getting bigger and bigger but I don't understand how it can possibly hold eggs and babies when it is on the end of the branch, the weakest point. But I will continue to watch in utter fascination.

The hummingbird spends so much time hovering outside my window looking in at me. I don't know why it does it or if it can see me but it allows me a perfect view to watch.

I have tried to capture it in the tree but every time I pick up my camera, it leaves. The hummingbird can be perched on the limb not flitting it's wings for some time but as soon as I pick up a camera it seems to sense it and leaves. So I can't share with you this awesome scene.

Mother nature is fascinating and wonderous even for some one like me who never had an interest in bird watching before.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

CoCo The Cat

My parents had a Burmese cat named Coco. He seemed to be there substitute child and they loved him. After Kristen was born, I became horribly allergic to him and most other cats. So I was never endeared to him.

But now that I am living here in my parents house, I have inherited their cat as well. When my parents died he would have nothing to do with me. He only allowed Kristen to pick him up and drag him around. She treated him like a kitten and carried him everywhere. She slept with him and played him and all was well.

Lately it seemed that Coco only wanted to be cuddled with me and when I say cuddled, I mean he was all over me all the time. I allowed it while I was wearing pants or had a blanket on but loved to be on my bare skin and I could only tolerate that for so long before I broke out itchiness.

For the last couple of days he has a had a weird cry even for him. Last night was the final straw, he paced the halls, crying all night. It was a rough night for all.

So this morning, we got out the cat crate and lined with a towel and plunked him in it. He was fine in the crate until we got in the car to go to the vets and the car began to move. He has not been in a car since I have no idea how long.

The vet at the animal shelter was wonderful. He immediately knew that Coco was constipated and required an enema and he wanted to do blood tests. It appeared on the tests that his kidneys were failing and that was the cause of his constipation. So my fathers cat seems to be failing from my fathers symptoms.

We have changed his food and are going to monitor him but he is not long for this world. I wonder just how much death this house and family can endure.

Kristen is having a hard time with it because it seems to be all rolled together all she has lost and all the pain that we have had. I wish I knew how to prepare for her more to come adequately but I am doing the best I can now. I guess that's all we can hope for. We all have loss and stress, I just wish it wasn't all in one year.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Parent Teacher Meeting at the School

Today I had an appointment for a parent teacher meeting at Kristen's school. When they called to make the appointment I was told that they were concerned about Kristen. Other than that I knew nothing.

So I showed up this morning and was escorted into a conference room with the English teacher, the Spanish teacher, the team co-coordinator and the student coordinator. That is a lot of people to support each student. At first it was overwhelming but then I began to understand the role that each played for the total growth of the student. Pretty amazing. We certainly didn't have that in Canada.

The reason I was called in was because Kristen was not integrating well and that was translating to her attitude and quality of work. She was feeling overwhelmed and when she didnt understand she just shut down and didn't bother to try.

I started to cry in the middle of the meeting, in front of these 4 women and it was embarassing but all I felt was guilt over putting her in this situation that she felt unable to ask anyone for help.

I asked that Kristen be brought into the conference and I could see the relief on her face that she had all this support to help her through it. She is determined to use all the help available. I am so proud of her. Her teachers said the same as well as how intelligent she is. Wonder where she gets it from?

So now she will have after school spanish lessons, a tutor at home 5 days a week and in class tutoring on her subjects and the language as well. With all this support I know she is in the right place and I am happy that we are here. What an amazing experience for her.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Spanish Lessons at Lake Chapala Society

Today was my first Spanish lesson at the Lake Chapala Society. I knew something was wrong when I signed up and when I arrived it was confirmed.

When I signed up at the office I was told that the Level 1 class started in October and it was 100 pesos. When I read about the classes beginning in the local Ojo del Lago magazine, it had stated that the classes were September to December and 500 pesos. I guess I shouldn't have thought I was getting a deal when I paid but I did question the starting date.

So now I am only in a 4 class introductory class and after this month I will have to wait until January to really start learning Spanish. I did enjoy it and I have to say it is starting to make sense and I am starting to hear things and understand. But I really didnt want a class that was broken up. I was looking for some continuity.

I have an introductory class on learning only 138 words. I think I will really begin to use that program as well. I find that it is truly important for me to learn, not only for myself and general getting around because you can get by here without spanish - not great but get by.

I find its important for Kristen as well. She has a strong personality (wonder where she gets it from - I am saying my Mom) and has convinced every friend to only speak English to her. That is great for their learning but not so great for Kristen's. I h ave a parent teacher meeting tomorrow with the school and they said they are concerned about her. The only thing that comes to mind is Spanish.

I have her enrolled in after school lessons and a daily tutor so other than me learning Spanish and speaking it at home, I don't know what else to do. So here I come.

I also watched this PBS show about how to save your brain. One of the main things that you need to do besides limiting alcohol and drugs (not really an issue with me) is to learn. Learn a new language, a new skill, whatever you choose but continually learn new. The doctor said it was the greatest way to ward off Alzeheimers and seeing as my grandmother died of it, I really truly want to avoid it.

So Spanish here I come. Then conversational French and Italian. I will truly ward off Alzheimers at this rate.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Butcher in San Juan Cosola Mexico

When my parents came up to Canada for my paternal grandmother's funeral three years ago, my mother was determined to eat and enjoy everything that she was unable to eat here in Mexico. We had Prime Rib roast beef with yorkshire pudding (my speciality) veggies and horseradish three times in a week and half. We had lobster only once. That should show you how much a good roast beef meant to my mother.

Growing up we had the traditional Sunday night dinner. It was always a roast of some kind. Usually prime rib or pork with crispy rind or whole roasted chicken was the item served. It was comfort food and at the time sometimes felt boring. Imagine being able to say and truly mean it - "Oh No not Prime Rib roast beef and yorkshire pudding again"

I believed my mother's opinion of what life was like in Mexico and I have not gone out of my way to prove her wrong or that things are changing here. I mentioned in a previous post that my mother felt that the schooling here was not up to par and that has been proven incorrect.

Looks like I may have just stumbled upon another thing that has progressed here in Mexico. Friends of my parents, who I am happy to say have become my friends, Rosemary and Bob, sent us an email about a great butcher shop in San Juan Cosola. I dropped in today and asked about the products there. Bob assured me that you could not only get an amazing aged Prime Rib and a pork roast with the rind, but anything else you may want as well.

He took me over there because I don't know the area and introduced me to the butcher (or his brother - not sure). I bought a couple of thick tenderloin steaks, 2 kilo's of split pork ribs and 3 thick pork chops for 120 pesos. I will let you know how they turned out but if they taste as good as they look we will be making the drive again.

Oh and for those who read my post regularily, I mentioned my bra issue to Rosemary and she helped me out. YEAH!! Thank you. I love handmedowns. They always thrill me.