Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Kristen's Birthday Today

Today is Kristen's 10th birthday. It is hard to believe that it was 10 years ago. In some ways it seems like yesterday but in other's she is such an old soul that it feels like she has always been apart of my life.

When I was growing up, my parents woke me up on my birthday by singing Happy Birthday to me and coming into my bedroom loaded with my presents. What an amazingly happy memory that I have.

This morning Andre and I woke up and went into Kristen's room singing Happy Birthday. She bounded out of bed and hugged us both. She was so happy to wake up like that, the same as I did. But she had to wait until after school for her presents otherwise we would never have gotten her to school today at all.

We bought a cake for her to take to school. Her teacher asked Kristen when she wanted to have the cake - either before class or after. She of course chose before which meant that she and the rest of her class was eating chocolate cake at 8am. Can you imagine?

All day long the teachers gave her candy and chocolate as a gift. The Spanish teacher had the class sing Happy Birthday in Spanish to her and then each child came and gave her a hug for her birthday. What an amazing tradition!!

Tonight we took her to Ajijic Tango for dinner at her request. They make Argentinian steak in a wood burning oven which is to die for. We had an appetizer of grilled Provolone with grilled red pepper and tomato. Then had steak with grilled veggies topped with melted Parmesan cheese.

Then we played pass the desert. I ordered cheese crepes with strawberries, Kristen ordered chocolate mousse and Andre ordered Strawberry ice cream with Raspberry sauce. Nobody finished what they ordered. I love that.

We had wine, beer, coffees and all that I just shared for all three of us for $617 pesos - with the peso now we are looking at over $50 CDN for our amazing dinner. Eating here in Mexico is just so indulgent it is wonderful.

Happy Birthday Baby!! We love you.

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