Thursday, October 16, 2008

Maybe next spring we will be together

We were woken up this morning by our Canadian real estate agent calling us to say that we had an offer on our house in Canada. It is creative financing but at least everyone would be getting what they wanted.

The offer is full price but the purchaser would rent our house until it closes and they do have until March 1st to remove all clauses. We are going for it because this person really likes our house but they can't afford it right now. So they would rent which would lessen our load and we would have an end date.

I think that is the greatest value to us knowing that we would know exactly when our separation would end. That is the hardest part for me.

Andre will come down here at Christmas for 2 weeks and then I wouldn't see him again until we met at the border when he comes down with my car and my lamps and my other stuff that makes you feel like you are at home.

Imagine that, when he arrives my home will complete in all areas. Hmmmm.

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