Friday, October 17, 2008

Lake Chapala's Martha Stewart

Last night we were invited to Rosemary and Bob's house for dinner. I love their house, their company, their friendship but even if didn't have all that going for them, being invited to their house for dinner would still be an honour.

My grandmother was invited as well and she was welcomed with her favourite drink, Vodka and Orange Juice. But this was not just a normal drink because they squeezed the oranges to make homemade juice.

Their house is built into the mountainside and has a spectacular view of the lake and mountains. That was where we enjoyed our conversation and drinks while getting ready for dinner.

We were fed the most amazing Chinese food, better than any restaurant I have ever been to and it was all homemade. We had coconut shrimp, egg rolls, crab balls, shrimp with lobster sauce and more. Our desert was homemade key lime pie made with the juice of the limes from their own trees.

After dinner our daughter was invited into the craft room. Imagine a whole room to do what you love. I would so want one of my own. There they sat making homemade earrings of Kristen's choice of bead. Spoiled!

We were sent home each with a homemade loaf of bread. Rosemary makes the most amazing bread you have ever tasted. I tried desperately to resist eating any when we arrived home because I was so full from dinner but all night their was a voice calling me "I'm over here - try me with butter" and finally at 11pm I broke down and did just as the voice suggested. Soo goood!!

We definitely have our own Martha Stewart right here at Lakeside and I feel so blessed to be invited. Thank you.

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