Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My first accident in Ajijic

I never had an accident in Canada or I never had an accident claim in Canada. The only accident I ever had there was with black ice on the QEW in the fall but only a damaged tire happened.

Today, I was on my way to the tianguis in Ajijic or should I say I was on my way to the grocery store when I saw my neighbour, Ed who was on his way to there and I decided to join him. We strolled through the vendors and I bought some fruit for my grandmother and veggies for dinner tonight (Theresa my mothers closest friend from here arrived today and I was making her dinner) and flowers.

I bought 3 big bunches of flowers at the tianguis, one for my grandmother, one for me and one for T to make her arrival a little nicer.

I truly enjoyed my time with Ed and then I finished my shopping and running of errands and I was on my home to prepare for dinner, Yeah!! I was turning left onto the road to my house off of the carreterra and following behind a construction truck carrying rebar. The cop was there to direct traffic as the tianguis is a big traffic issue and he had stopped traffic and waved us through. The construction truck was going left and I was going straight. All was good.

But as I was right behind him, the truck seemed stuck and started reversing. I was immediately behind him and no where to go. I am driving a VERY large Lincoln Town Car and I would think I was impossible to miss, but I guess if you just start reversing and not look, which I am sure we have all done before at least once, anything is not seen.

So here I am stuck and I see he is reversing but think to myself, surely he will stop in time, or I can get past him in time, but neither happened. He reversed right into me, with rebar coming at my face because my window was thankfully open and I just stared in shock. I truly think that if he hadn't stopped, that I would have ducked in my seat and not let the rebar actually hit me but at the moment I seemed frozen staring at what was happening.

The cop came running and asked if I was ok, I was and I said so. He asked if I wanted to press charges and I said no. I had heard so many horror stories of gringos with out of country plates being guilty just because they were out of country visitors and the car was still in my fathers name so I just said I wanted us to resolve it between us.

The driver immediately called his boss and asked what to do and his boss said call the insurance. The driver and I had worked out a solution that would not involve the insurance but it was decided that insurance was the way to go for other driver.

So I waited over 2 hours on the corner for the insurance adjuster. Everyone was very kind and helpful even though I was appalled that the company was going to charge the employee with the deductible.

The kissing cop (as he is nicknamed) kept hugging me and asking if I was ok.

It was a long long day and I was really shaken up but all in all I was quite happy with how it was all handled.

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