Friday, October 3, 2008

Parent Teacher Meeting at the School

Today I had an appointment for a parent teacher meeting at Kristen's school. When they called to make the appointment I was told that they were concerned about Kristen. Other than that I knew nothing.

So I showed up this morning and was escorted into a conference room with the English teacher, the Spanish teacher, the team co-coordinator and the student coordinator. That is a lot of people to support each student. At first it was overwhelming but then I began to understand the role that each played for the total growth of the student. Pretty amazing. We certainly didn't have that in Canada.

The reason I was called in was because Kristen was not integrating well and that was translating to her attitude and quality of work. She was feeling overwhelmed and when she didnt understand she just shut down and didn't bother to try.

I started to cry in the middle of the meeting, in front of these 4 women and it was embarassing but all I felt was guilt over putting her in this situation that she felt unable to ask anyone for help.

I asked that Kristen be brought into the conference and I could see the relief on her face that she had all this support to help her through it. She is determined to use all the help available. I am so proud of her. Her teachers said the same as well as how intelligent she is. Wonder where she gets it from?

So now she will have after school spanish lessons, a tutor at home 5 days a week and in class tutoring on her subjects and the language as well. With all this support I know she is in the right place and I am happy that we are here. What an amazing experience for her.

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